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You can use the online form below to make contact with North Pennine Studios for any reason at all, whether it’s a specific message or a general enquiry. To keep things simple, the only personal info you need to leave is your email address (which will always be kept absolutely private and never passed on) but do feel free to provide extra details in the message box; such as your postcode, if you are interested in a quote for home-based services such as collection, delivery and hanging.


North Pennines Framing Service


All messages received will be responded to promptly, and messages are checked throughout the working day and beyond. However, there will be no pushy sales communication or endless follow-up messages. At North Pennine Studios, pride is taken in excellent personal service but without any of the pressure!

You are also welcome to make direct contact using the email/phone number in the bottom corner of the page.




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North Pennines Framing Service
North Pennines Framing Service

Workshop Interior

North Pennines Framing Service

Main Framing Workshop


Earnwell Cottage

7 Front Street


Upper Weardale


DL13 1HA               Find Us                   




Allendale Workspace


Studio 10 (on first floor)

Allendale Forge Studios

Market Place (South)

Allendale Town


NE47 9BD          Find Us


Items may be dropped off and/or collected from either locaton - this should be done by appointment, although appointment times can be very flexible to suit you.



Tel: 07908 573045



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